Friday, November 25, 2011


Abridged version - Chapter from Book:
"ADVANCED BIOSOPHY: The Practical Knowledge of Life on Earth Within the Planes of the 5th, 6th and 7th Dimensions of Consciousness"
by Isis St Germaine, May 2010
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As it is defined on Earth, one learns that Matter is anything that takes space, while capturing its perception through some form of interaction.
One is also taught to differentiate that Matter comes in solid, liquid and gas forms. So the earth, the sea, the stars, even the oxygen in the air that one breathes which is invisible and intangible, are classified as Matter. Moreover, every little tiny drop of rain and every little tiny dust grain are considered to be Matter since the density of their substance gives them form, creating in this way the impression of their visible existence.
On another note, as I understand it, the illusion of space and distance stems from the human need to measure and compare, identify differences and classify, particularising the abstract. In this way one brings order apparently, to what s/he perceives as disorder. Consequently, the impression of distance between things is produced (the three dimensions: length, width, height) - on the outside, which inevitably creates the sense of separation of things (also loss and deprivation) - on the inside.
However, the more one becomes sensitised to information that comes beyond the 5 senses, the more one's original memory awakens, allowing one to recognise that the actual process of different-iation, by which the idea of 'being different and separate' is promoted, is a created temporary false impression since there is no distance between 'things'; only in the ideas behind them.
Based on the Law of Complementarity, one can find access to the concept of space as a symbol of expansion and a means to esoteric extension of one's consciousness, since everything that looks seemingly 'independent' mutually comes to meet, completing the whole and bringing divine perfection.
To continue further, one also often learns that Matter (visible and sensitive to the 5 senses) TOGETHER WITH Energy (invisible to the 5 senses) are the constituent parts of the Universe. Therefore, the human mind is enabled in this way to recognise fearlessly 'the invisible' to the 5 senses, i.e. the Energy that reveals itself indirectly from within the visible effects that it has upon humans and their environment. For example, the invisible electromagnetic effect the Sun creates upon one's physical body (all levels), and the invisibly 'mobile' Energy of the Air (which is considered formless Matter).
Based on my mystical experiences and Training, as well as on brief occasional knowledge of quantum physics, I believe that MATTER IS ENERGY SOLIDIFIED. In other words, the essence of Matter IS Energy. Hence there is no differentiation between Matter and Energy, since it is the Energy of Light in its dense form that creates the temporary illusion of every material entity as it becomes known via the 5 senses. Everything is Energy; Electromagnetic Energy, Radiation of Light or else Ether.
Energy is infinite and while it can transform; it always IS. The Spirit, the Soul, the Mind, the Heart, the Matter (physicality); all are Light Energy that renews itself constantly. When one is filled with pure unconditional Love, one is able to FEEL even in one's material body the unique vibrancy and depth of what I mean by Energy. Why?
Because then, as school physics explain, the human body becomes a conductor of Energy, manifesting through the higher mind and the divine heart. In other words, when one allows the electrical load of PURE LOVE into his/her system freely, then one produces and transmits electromagnetic waves (i.e. invisible lines of Power that vibrate). Thus one creates an invisible high Energy field which affects his/her human body rather deeply and profoundly. In this process, the POWER of the load of LOVE, which predominates, brings forth the electrical field, while the MOTION (or e-motion?) of the load, which supports it, creates the added extra power of the magnetic field.
Put another way, thought together with e-motion, or respectively, the intensity of the electricity of the mind (male power) together with the powerful magnet of the prompting heart (female power), meet together to form a divine cycle of dynamic interplay flowing constantly together, as long as none of them withdraws from their Source.
It is in this way that the incarnated Soul affects profoundly and is affected profoundly, transmitting and receiving (i.e. inter-exchanging) Energy in the form of invisible electromagnetic waves. Put simply, the Soul is a transmitter-receiver of Energy that exists and vibrates in the Universe, either on earthly grounds or beyond them. And since it is always Part of the Whole, it is exposed in a wide variety of energies; an invisible spectrum of vibrational frequencies. Within the earth plane, every single structural unit of his/her life has the capacity to react to electromagnetism, as every part of the human body produces Energy constantly. This why one is able to transmit an individual frequency of Energy; be a transmitter. At the same time, since one's environment is always filled with electromagnetic Energy, one is open and receptive to the energetic vibrations from all around him/her; therefore is a Receiver.
So, for example, as every visible part of the dense physical body produces and transmits electricity (which is invisible), in the same way one transmits also one's thoughts and wishes (also invisible). As the organs of the 5 senses receive stimuli and messages and decipher them through chemical analysis with clarity, recognising smells, tastes etc., in the same way the incarnated Soul is in a position to receive clear stimuli and messages from the higher planes/dimensions of consciousness, decipher them, as well as send them interacting consciously. Consequently, for the one who is open enough and ready to conceive the fact that this IS a natural process; a divine innate ability that one has by birth waiting patiently to be fully appreciated, it becomes a sequence of actions regularly followed. Then one knows from experience that there are no 'great distances' when one communicates telepathically.
~ Having already had 1000+ earthly days of experience to support the above insights, through the mutually conscious Energy relationship that we have maintained directly between us with my beloved Twin Soul, I feel truly honoured to be sharing my knowledge with the world ~
[ The word TELE-PATHY carries two parts:
'tele' means 'great distances', signifying 'encoding and decoding information',
'pathy' is 'pathos', meaning in greek 'strong emotion', i.e. intense manifestation of high energies at the astral/emotional plane.
In other words, TELEPATHY means 'I feel LOVE from afar', which is something the incarnated Soul does every single day!
To me, telepathy means to celebrate the irresistible natural tendency of human beings to remain connected at Soul level with their One Source. ]

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