Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Chapter (part three) from Book "THE EMBODIMENT OF THE INVISIBLE SOUL IN THE CONTINUUM OF LIFE" by Isis St Germaine, November 2009
The Mental Body is the one through which the mind manifests the function of thinking and intelligence within the physical plane, connecting the Soul to the dense 3rd dimensional body in this way.
In this Subtle Energy Body of the Aura, the thread of Consciousness is characterised by all the mind processes, like the formation of impressions, thoughts, perceptions, memory, focusing, contemplation, analytical judgement, processing, imagination, ideas etc.
The Mental Body is very closely connected to the Emotional, directly and mutually, since every emotion creates a thought and vice versa. It receives information and translates it. Therefore, when one is not in touch with the Heart centre within, it becomes rather difficult to control the activities of the mind. It is then that the power of logic-the rational mind, precedes outranking the heart and overshadowing one's psycho-spiritual integrity. One functions in the linear way and cuts off from the higher spheres of Existence. When the mind of matter influences the initial moment/point of perception, creating dividing lines and walls, like the one of 'life and death', then it becomes a difficult job to sensitise oneself to the bank of memory available within, which validates the eternal Flow of the Consciousness one IS. The Soul becomes controlled by logic, which has never been proven in history in any way to have, not even a scientifically orientated valid base. For aeons, humanity has functioned on the simple hypothesis that logic is correct, creating prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination. As a result, often the common or social mind tends to fear thinking beyond knowledge already acquired through mass conditioning.
The human brain is a divine mechanism; however still a temporary machine/tool for the human, like a computer, that follows instructions. It is interesting to know that the human mind takes only about 5 to 7% of the brain's space; it seems that the rest of the brain is filled with the etheric experience of Consciousness. So when the human mind is trained and then chooses to function solely on rational thinking, the brain follows meticulously. When the intellect releases itself from extreme rational thinking then one begins to discover pure thinking, which does not come through the processes of mind alone.
To continue, on the higher octaves of the Mental Body, where pure thinking establishes itself through combining thoughts from the higher layers of the Emotional and Mental subtle bodies, the next one -the Spiritual Body- becomes more and more strongly activated. At this plane, still part of the Mental Body, is the CAUSAL BODY, i.e. the higher sphere/layer of the Mental; symbolically "the Body of the Soul". This Energy field carries all causes of thoughts, feelings and actions; it is like a storehouse of all the accumulated knowledge, experience and history of the Soul's Existence. Twin Souls share the same Causal Body, as I have had the honour to find out 'firsthand'.
Accordingly to the above, while at the lower sphere of the Mental Body one identifies with one's personality (ego self, ego consciousness), at the higher level where the Mental becomes one with the Spiritual layers, one is fully aware of his/her individuality (original self) and able to access information instantly from the Spiritual plane. This means that both the Mental and Emotional Bodies have already engaged in full collaboration, preparing the ground to create a unified field of high Energy which includes all Subtle Bodies together (...with anchor the dense physical to earth it). In this way the Lightbody finds full manifestation, which is the outcome of Work accomplished in complete cooperation.
The Spiritual or Light Body, which is of the highest vibrational frequency and becomes activated on the 5th Floor (5th Dimension), is the seat of one's innate spiritual powers that nourish and nurture, bringing constant rejuvenation and regeneration while allowing direct and continuous access to the One Source.
Based on my experiential truth and knowledge, the Lightbody is the vessel of heavenly treasure, in other words, of the Blessing of the Soul itself existing, through which the human being becomes a possible event. When humans fully conceive and appreciate the sacredness of Existence from within to without, then they understand the sacred laws of Heaven. As a result, pure thinking (i.e. the higher octave of perception) which is based on intuitive vision (i.e. the higher octave of emotion/feeling) becomes fully available, while the Lightbody shines the colours of the Rainbow brightly.
[More on the Lightbody and life on the 5th Floor/Dimension, in posts to follow]

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