
Monday, December 19, 2011


“FREE GIFT OF LOVE” by Isis St Germaine, December 2011
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Honouring my mystical journey and the Gifts I have received, I believe that true knowledge is instinctive and intuition is natural, and ... IT IS LOVE the main key that maintains the inner channels clear in order for one to connect to one’s sense of inner knowing. PURE LOVE never chooses sides as it accepts unconditionally, seeing and experiencing realities with complete openness, recognition, clarity and compassion.
The process of uniting one’s learning from the outer reality with one’s inner primal sense of reality means to allow every situation to teach one of its deeper meanings, by letting one’s awareness move him/her to accept both sides as one while transforming the doubt, worry and complexity placed by mass consciousness.
Ιn non-physical dimensions where reality is One-ness, thoughts translate into visible effects automatically; their effects are instantaneous as LOVE - the most penetrating and creative Energy of which the Universe is made, reigns and rules the Cosmos. However, when one becomes absorbed by & within the density of the material, one forgets one’s true non-physical identity & origin temporarily, becoming distracted or/and consumed by the vortex of human fear and developing strong patterns of resistance while identifying with the physical time-space perspective. Then it is the learned mode of purely mechanistic thinking that does not allow one to see through the eyes of one’s Soul-Spirit, growing unable to travel past the literal-logical interpretation of ordinary reality. In this process too much time and energy is spent fixating on the external, overshadowing the nurturing sight of spiritual awareness that reveals the unseen threads and patterns of the deeper meanings behind the events of everyday life.
Without doubt, this is all necessary in order for one to experience the actual process of unveiling and to ascend, by transmuting the blocks to see the whole instead of a part and learning to trust the inwardness that holds the inner knowing imprinted in one’s inborn memory.
Based on my life experiences, I believe that everything happens and IS as it is for a higher purpose, and ... the invisible Energy of the earthbound Soul already owns the knowing that there is always causation behind all seemingly random physical events or ‘accidents’, which are in fact synchronistic. Any event carries energy threads with specific messages, signs and symbols, waiting patiently to be grasped and fully valued.
Synchronicities are divine links that actually lead into the particular pre-agreed direction which the Soul has willingly chosen for this lifetime. For this reason, paying attention to them is of the utmost importance when one seriously wishes to begin weaving the puzzled tapestry of one’s experiences, opening up spiritually and seeing the true inner causes of one’s life events in depth. Therefore, by becoming a mystical observer; seeing the commonly unobvious and sensing-reading the subtle signs of synchronicity consistently, one enables oneself to witness, confirm and respect that there is always an underlying spiritual order that supports, directs and marks events with integrity, discovering first-hand how spiritual reality energises the physical. Then, in a natural manner, one becomes able to ascertain that events are deeply meaningful
and endlessly rhythmic within the spiral of the evolution of all things. One celebrates that it is only through full collaboration with one’s physically invisible core (i.e. the Spiritual Self) that one can access, decipher and fully understand that which is often called a ‘mystery’. Consequently, every event arrives and is received as a Gift; a manifestation of energies acting behind the scenes, waiting to be delved into devotedly. In this way, one sweeps aside the curtain between the physical and the spiritual, lifting the veil and actively restoring the original balance. And although the immediate consequences of seriously testing events can be experienced as deeply unearthing, soon the results bring voluntary purification and refinement, as one not only finds but trusts the missing links that connect to the permanent root of one’s Being behind the personal earthly self, getting in touch with and wearing consciously the innate jewel of strength and wisdom. So, on conceiving the magical inter-relationship and companionship of the visible and the invisible forces combined, which create perfect harmony at all times together, one re-grows to be consciously part of the divine sphere within which one always exists.
The experiences I lived in 2007 (that involved THE most intense testing experience which in re-turn was THE most profound Source of my unending Enlightenment) generated THE most pressing need to understand them thoroughly while still on Earth. Then, while feeling literally as if ‘fried in the pan’ on the physical plane, I started asking my invisible Guides and Protectors very intensively and sincerely from my Heart; without the asking there would have been no answering... In this way I was blessed with higher Guidance and Training, to which I was humbly open and surrendered, actively finding out myself and verifying experientially that indeed I fully own the eternal energetic identity of my Soul, as long as I AM in constant alignment with 'the receiving of it, i.e. allowing myself to be One with the Source Energy of which I AM always part.
From my human experience, by heavenly grace and my commitment I learned that, when one projects very specific signals with the loving intent of a pure heart, radiating powerfully the LOVE Energy that one IS at all costs and remaining wide open and determined to KNOW, then one instantly becomes the knowing from up above and from deep within (the two match to One) since the whole Universe is affected. In other words, when one re-activates one’s eternal connection to the Home-Source retrieving fully one’s ability to consciously and trustingly engage and interact moment-by-moment, then one becomes readily available to receive, accept and gradually translate all events as part of the universal plan. In this process the greatest requirement, I believe to be also necessary, is having faith in a way that manifests one’s primal sense of integrity/purity/ intactness.
Effectively, while one keeps moving within the Energy currents of the synchronistic process that subtly throw light into the life and scheme of things, holding on to the invisible chain that manifests the sacred interconnectedness of humanity and the spirit world, one keeps receiving what is ready to receive, knowing with certainty at a deep level that THE ONLY BAROMETER ONE HAS ON EARTH IS INDEED ONE'S DIVINE HEART.
So, on daring to fully appreciate the Energy of LOVE that one IS and live-manifest it here-and-now by shining one’s LIGHT [i.e. the divinity of Self, the multidimensional Consciousness, the timeless and unchangeable Spirit that one IS always within and beyond time-space] one remembers that everything happens in the school of physical life for a sacred purpose, ultimately, to unveil and re-confirm that one’s main work on Earth is to transform one’s incarnated or ‘double’ existence (inward/internal and external) into ONE by equally valuing both. In this process, with unshakable deep faith, tolerance, praise and compassion, one re-turns to be the FREE GIFT OF LOVE that one IS all-ways.
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Thursday, December 1, 2011


Based on unpublished material written by Isis St Germaine between December 2007 and December 2008, relating to "The Way Love Endures"
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My LOVE for 'my' Twin Soul is 'a tremendous amount of' Energy that I carry within me and around me always. There is no sense of separation between 'me' and my Love for 'him'; I AM IT. On attempting to describe it with human words, it is like an unending, continuously available divine flow of deeply felt sense/Feeling -not just an emotional feeling but a spiritual Force- that readily connects with & is part of 'his', binding us together (beyond common thought restrictions) and creating a Bridge of Light Between Us, through which we are always driven by Eternal Law to reach the level of LOVE that is the ultimate -back to the point of our Creation. Lifetime after lifetime on earth, we have both built this conscious awareness individually as well as between us, while unwinding negative strands of energies that stood in the way of us Meeting in Oneness and preparing for the time we reach this ultimate Union.
As I found out through experience, until Twin Souls achieve a certain level of Oneness with their own true Selves, they naturally keep amplifying any unresolved issues by each other's presence, helping each other in this way to evolve further.
Moreover, one of the unique contributions Twin Souls bring to humanity is to purify, elevate and renew other people's awareness of what TRUE LOVE IS, as they share great spiritual power together through their identical blueprint of identity which carries an impelling call from within to share the highest expression of LOVE.
So... what IS LOVE?
True Love is the Essence of Life-in-any-form; it is the prevailing force upon Heaven and Earth where nothing exists without it. True Love is timeless and spaceless, giving birth to The All That Is. True Love is above and beyond time-space; time and space do not affect how one is, feels and experiences it.
My understanding is that love and Love are not the same, as the concept of love means different things to different people. For TRUE ETERNAl LOVE to BE, it takes time and effort that requires emotional investment as well as consistent inner work. In this way one grows into one's conscious connection with the Source, becoming fully aware that it all starts from within. Knowing pure Self-Love (meaning that it is not centred around the 'I' through the consciousness of the ego mind) is the first Step in discovering the true meaning of Love. Building up one's sense of self-respect and integrity through loving oneself unconditionally is a necessary requirement, as are amongst others, real devotion, unconditional goodwill and the tuning of the mind and heart to Eternity, i.e. the One Dimension in which All Exists. Then one spontaneously knows how and feels safe to trust going to great lengths for shining the Light and Beauty of true love without losing one's sense of honour, flowing out one's Energy in acts of service that illuminate and reveal the grand reward of knowing that Love has no end.
The inner knowing of LOVE benefits one's emotional and spiritual growth immensely, which in turn also helps one to pass back Home with no fear, in profound peace and trust. Twin Souls stay together no matter what and they let nothing and no one get in the way of being together. They go to the 'end of the world' to be with each other, following Steps that are the hardest and do anything for each other with no conditions, being always forgiving and feeling deeply empowered by their loyalty to their shared Infinite Gift. This IS the Energy that sustains them eternally, as well as tests them also; the very Essence and core of their Being.
I believe that Love is true sacred Friendship that sparkles in the dark like the sun -even when things go tough, bringing lasting unity, rain or shine, humbly adapting and persevering, being fiercely courageous together while enduring each coming storm at its peak. Every perceived adversity is a divine Gift carrying a hidden Blessing; a stimulant to one's spiritual growth which calls for the Help of the very Essence one is made of, that is always pure LOVE. In this way, the waves of perceived pain and suffering become the greatest gifts of being human, since there is no pain or suffering when one knows LOVE with sincerity of Heart, i.e. with the conscious Integrity of one's Being, manifesting the full power of the Soul that s/he is under all circumstances.