Thursday, November 24, 2011


Abridged version - Short introduction from Book:
"ADVANCED BIOSOPHY: The Practical Knowledge of Life on Earth Within the Planes of the 5th,6th and 7th Dimensions of Consciousness"
by Isis St Germaine, May 2010
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The term "Advanced Biosophy" is a new concept brought to my attention by St Germain, El Morya and Kuthumi, in order that I describe in human words the practical knowledge of life on Earth within the planes of the 5th, 6th and 7th dimensions of consciousness.
The word "Biosophy" has been used in the past by many, for example philosophers described it as "the science and art of intelligent living based on the awareness and practice of spiritual values, ethical-social principles and character qualities essential to individual freedom and social harmony." (see Wikipedia)
As a word 'bio-sophy' consists of two parts: 'bios' - meaning in Greek 'life' and 'sophia' - meaning in Greek 'wisdom'.
In the blessed way I have been guided to bring this term to re-new-ed service at this point in time in history in this particular way, "Advanced Biosophy" carries and expresses an outstandingly powerful position 'towards as well as of' life on Earth.
It springs from the highest levels of consciousness, i.e. the Divine Self who is fully awake and in constant motion within the human body in the here and now, having already walked and keeping in the long process of Ascension, and ascended spiritually, experiencing everyday life in the 5th, 6th and 7th dimensions on Earth.
Therefore, the field of Advanced Biosophy represents not only the human who is dedicated to the Way - the Path of finding Oneness within and without, constantly focused in actively aiming to BE the beautiful Light s/he IS, but most importantly it holds tightly the one whose Lightbody is on the verge of or has already come into full manifestation, realising his/her Soul's highest potential and stabilising continuously, consciously and courageously.
Hence, the heart of Advanced Biosophy does not beat as fast in the various stages one goes through while on a quest to explore theories and gather academic knowledge, which touch the surface of INNER KNOWING, probing and triggering it. It finds its place in the process of crystallising and manifesting sacred knowledge revealed through trials and intense spiritual experiences, as an ongoing process of continuing living experience of intense Blessing from Home, moment by moment.

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