Saturday, November 19, 2011


Brief Excerpt from Book "MESSAGES OF LIGHT: Transformation of the Human Consciousness" by Isis St Germaine, November 2009 (second edition)
Message Of Light - No.2
The dense physical body is the temporary vehicle of the Soul-Spirit, carrying the responsibility to facilitate its owner in his/her evolutionary Path. All the personal lessons that one has come to experience are already registered within the cellular memory of the physical body. Therefore, manifesting a particular aliment or dis-ease does not mean that one 'has got it all wrong'; on the contrary this IS proof that one needs to attend to the Path s/he has chosen to walk. Consequently, making all the necessary changes which involve purification on the level of the subtle bodies (emotional - mental - spiritual) rather than the dense physical, brings forth transformation.
Furthermore, what I have been alerted to is that the reasons why the physical body has the capacity to collapse do not echo the developmental stage of the embodied Soul, but the particular divine Contract s/he carries to fulfill in this lifetime on Earth. There are many psycho-spiritual reasons why an evolved Soul may choose to experience a certain illness; it is a matter of tuning-in to the deeper layers of one's internal awareness to recover the memory of what hides behind.
Every physical un-wellness is a pre-chosen invitation and challenge; a divine catalyst, prompting the incarnated Soul to delve within to discover the true meaning of 'health'. In all essence, there is no actual dividing line between the statements "I am healthy" and "I am ill" since it is the true acceptance of both states that create Health. It is exactly right at the centre of this polarity that one finds the roots of true health [in the material body, it appears at the solar plexus (i.e. emotional level) and also a bit further up at the thymus gland which filters the heart.] So, it means Health to welcome the temporary illusion and experience of dis-ease, taking full responsibility to trust all the processes involved that bring transformation.

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