Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Chapter (part two) from Book "THE EMBODIMENT OF THE INVISIBLE SOUL IN THE CONTINUUM Of LIFE" by Isis St Germaine, November 2009
The Emotional or astral body, of which seat is in the palace of the Heart - the divine centre of Knowledge and Wisdom, carries the vibrational frequency of emotions, feelings, desires, passions, pleasures etc. It is the vehicle of the emotional world.
It is through the Emotional Body that the human Soul shapes his/her life perceptions and builds skillful will, since it is highly sensitive vibrationally picking up even the most fleeting sense or desire and storing multiple information signals instantly. Therefore it directly influences the intellect and mind processes to the utmost degree in a rather definitive way. It is the heart's intentions, thoughts and impulses that affect quite easily one's thought processes and perceptions.
When the incarnated Soul functions via the humanly created ego-mind (3D mind or ego consciousness) then s/he exists at the lower astral sub-plane where energies are very low due to the density of matter.
When there has been a deep cleaning of the Emotional Body, then one exists at the higher levels of the astral plane, since one has actively transmuted, i.e. recovered one's true nature of the Self.
On awakening the innate powers of suppressed astral consciousness and emotional intelligence, one brings to one's service the higher octaves of the 5 senses, in other words, the astral senses or psychic abilities, enabling oneself to communicate telepathically. Telepathy is the ability to receive, access and transmit quantities of information without conscious intention or awareness, while attuned to the higher frequencies. Briefly, examples of the astral senses are: clairvoyance or astral vision, which means having clear sight, strong sense of inner vision, auric sight, clairaudience or astral hearing, i.e. receiving messages from 'above' ('channelling' or downloading), hearing the thoughts of others and subtle sounds, clairsentience or astral touch when touching and sensing energies, having tingling sensations, gut feelings, feeling things very intensely, having deep empathy.
To continue, people often learn to perceive these astral senses as 'super-abilities' in humans since they surface beyond the grasp of the 5 senses. The mind tends to look for logical proof and physical evidence before anything else. Therefore it is important that one cultivates the necessary ground first, making sure there is solid access to self-awareness and spirituality. In this way the door comes open to spontaneous recognition of the astral senses for what they are effortlessly, without calculation, hesitation or disbelief. Basically, it is the harmonious interrelation and interconnection of all things within the Cosmic Flow, as they are always so closely interwoven with perfection, that promote discernment between prejudice and intuition, naturally. Then, quite simply, one has the instinctive certainty to trust this esoteric knowledge.
The spontaneous telepathic communication that springs from the pure innocence of authentic inner vision, is an inborn sacred Gift that releases the voice of the Soul itself. It is through marrying the divine nature of the Heart to the higher Mind that one automatically gains access to the Records of authentic secret knowledge. Having as a compass one's inner voice, which knows how to speak the one eternal Universal language by birth, one is able to humbly trust and utilise all the wonderful moments of earthly life instinctively, with child-like innocence.
Furthermore, with regard to the astral plane, since it is the closest to the layer that connects the earth's surface to the invisible kingdom, it is also the zone to which the Soul transfers usually when it leaves the physical dense body. It is at this level/plane of Existence that the Soul reflects back on its most recent earthly journey and path, with the help of Spirit Guides and the Akashic Record (i.e. Cosmic Memory).
Also, the Soul's stay at the various sub-planes of the astral world depends on the level of spiritual progress that has already been achieved before the Transition, since the actual detachment from the dense physical body does not alter perception. However, now, while at the more subtle levels of Existence, the Soul's perception is completely released/liberated as it does no longer form through the barriers of physical-brain consciousness and time-space. It is in a state of wakefulness that allows to see directly both sides simultaneously. Consequently, the stay at the astral level/plane is brief when the Soul was already dedicated to his/her esoteric-inner development while incarnated, directing all efforts to higher purpose. It is in this way that one gradually frees oneself off every/any emotional unnecessary past baggage, going through the various layers of the astral plane consciously, while still on Earth. As a result the Emotional or astral Body becomes fully available, activating fully the higher subtle bodies beyond mundanity. Then later, when the Soul transfers back Home, it can quite easily leave the astral plane so that it can move towards the higher mental plane or prepare for a new incarnation if there is an impulse for it.
Moreover as I believe through Divine Grace and experience, one prepares constantly for the Journey back Home while going through the out-of-physical-body experience every day, during 'sleep'. This state of being happens spontaneously to all humans when going to hibernation beyond the zone of time-space and far from earthly activity. During sleep, the 5 senses do not work temporarily and there is no contact with the 3D world. Consciously or subconsciously, one enters the zone of the first sub-plane of the 5th dimension (if the Emotional Body is clean enough) through the astral body since this is the next available subtle body after the Etheric double. In this way s/he experiences the astral plane where the laws are different as there is no time - everything happens simultaneously.
So now, one does not read impressions and information from the physical plane but from the astral; in other words, one's astral consciousness becomes activated beyond time-space. Quite effectively, now one exists temporarily (while 'asleep dreaming') in a plane that is already familiar (i.e. the emotional world) which determines and maps out continuously his/her consciousness in everyday life.
When the incarnated Soul still carries the density of 'dark' feelings, then his/her consciousness remains imprisoned in the lower layers of the astral world, while 'asleep' too. When consciousness is higher, then one is able to experience the plane of the 5th Dimension (which is that of the Lightbody) and utilise his/her astral experiences.
Within the expanded experiential knowledge I have had the honour to acquire, to me it is established beyond doubt that 'dreams' are the necessary trips/journeys of the Soul that take place while 'sleeping' (I call it "journeying") with the purpose of contact with the Monad, renewing Home connection regularly. Beyond all barriers, 'sleeping and dreaming' provide the necessary space in earthly life to remind one of the more subtle levels of his/her Existence, as well as receive divine messages, further knowledge and training - provided that one has the necessary readiness to receive, co-operate and remember it too. Beyond common thought, 'dreaming' does not mean 'I fantasise' or 'I desire', it means I work and I co-operate at a level of consciousness beyond time-space, aiming at further development. Therefore, astral travel, when one is journeying at the astral world while 'asleep', depends on one's Emotional Body and its state of equilibrium.

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