Thursday, November 24, 2011


Abridged version - Excerpts from Book:
"ADVANCED BIOSOPHY: The Practical Knowledge of Life on Earth Within the Planes of the 5th, 6th and 7th Dimensions of Consciousness"
by Isis St Germaine, May 2010
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Based on my unexpected mystical journey, I gradually came to realise -at hindsight- that for an extensive period of time I was already in the zone of the 5th dimension - on the 5th Floor, as I prefer to say, functioning quite spontaneously at this level of consciousness while ignorant of its deeper meanings. Quite clearly, this state and way of being was the result of my long-term voluntary study, training as well as intensive moment-by-moment inner work of 13 years, while devotedly and full-heartedly aiming at KNOWING MYSELF inside out, enhancing the power of my inner truth and enriching all my relationships.
Rather effortlessly and at the same time unconsciously, the psycho-spiritual ripeness and hence readiness of the energies in our earthly home, spontaneously attracted the uncalled-for appearance of my and our Spirit Guides who meant to bring further awakening to us both, on the next level. Basically that was the grand opening to the highly serious (and of Sirius origin) processes that followed; a set of Twin Souls receiving spiritual initiation and shifting focus completely towards the Light, through the most difficult tests & trials while enduring pain and growing together within the Earth zone and beyond it.
To continue on the gigantic adjustment I, all of a sudden, found to be adamantly necessary to make, in order to keep walking the Path upright after my Twin Soul's Journey back Home, I withdrew from the outside world completely and devoted myself to the Revelation. In-deed my Twin Soul was still with me in Spirit, very actively and so were all our Guides, plus more revealed. Step-by-step, with the utmost reverence and courage, vigilant vision and tireless warrior faith, as well as buckets of tears, I learned to contain the process of this secret Unveiling. I became an expert on walking and working closely and calmly with the Universal Flow while reading/deciphering its cues, signals and signs with ceaseless Guidance and Training (from above), feeling deeply challenged by the magnitude of both the experience and the task. I acquired the skill in earthing/grounding decisively the most truly outstanding experiences, recognising with more and more ease the original language of my Soul and feeling enchanted and deeply emotional. Occasionally, I made the effort to connect with the outside world briefly, to enjoy the honour of distributing our books, realising now more than ever the fear, doubt and mistrust of even spiritually minded people who would describe themselves as 'spiritually aware'. Learning to keep wearing my cloak of invisibility and discerning how and when to take it off became an art itself.
Living on the 5th Floor while on Earth and sharing the processes of my Ascension eventually found a voice through co-authoring this book, when I received the Blessing of its title. Although I was not familiar with the term "Advanced Biosophy" it soon made true sense, since it embodies the magnificence of Divine Perfection as one manifests the full spectrum of one's original memory; Being the Soul/Consciousness that s/he is, authentically, moment-by-moment.
As I understand it, Truth is a state and a way of being that is 'earned' experientially through Knowing Thyself in depth. Truth is not knowledge that comes from the ego-mind; it springs from the Causal Body (the Body of the Soul) while the Soul reveals itself - beyond the 3D veil.

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