Friday, November 18, 2011


Excerpt from Book "THE EMBODIMENT OF THE INVISIBLE SOUL IN THE CONTINUUM OF LIFE" by Isis St Germaine, November 2009
The sacred purpose of Spiritual Initiation is the awakening and familiarisation with the great patron of evolution; in other words, 'the bogey' that the human mind creates and calls DEATH. This process is not new as, for example, the very essence of the Eleusinian Mysteries (famous secret rites of ancient Greece) was the elevation of consciousness to higher frequencies, helping the initiate to face the idea of death not as a final end but as a new beginning to a new cycle of life. As the ancient Greeks taught and before them the Egyptians, the Soul owns -and therefore knows already- all the innate ideas which precede experiences, including the truth about death even before birth.
While awakened through my personal experience, which is based upon my continuous Energy relationship, communion and communications with my Twin Soul - 800+ earthly days as I am writing our 3rd book - as well as on the complete support and help from our Spirit Team, I know that the state of being that is called death is only a Transition of Consciousness. In other words, the Soul, which is Consciousness, changes from one state of perception into another as it restores itself at the Big Starting Post. Basically the only part that is released during this Transit is the perishable body together with the etheric double (its copy); in effect the Soul abolishes all perception within the 5 senses. However, this is not a new state of being for the Soul, since this was what it used to experience while incarnated and asleep or in deep meditation etc. The only difference then was that it would keep a strong connection to the silver cord (which connects and keeps the etheric body and the physical body together) while going out of the physical body.
In every incarnated journey, one goes through many stages of of Spiritual Initiation while tried by life's events, often without awareness of the underlying processes. Based on my unexpected mystical journey up so far and my Training (from above), which at times purposefully followed my experiences rather than preceded them, I hereby describe briefly the Process of Spiritual Initiation towards Ascension as I perceive them from within my experiences:
(I refer to the term 'Ascension' as the long-term ongoing process in which one learns to CO-operates consciously with the Light that one IS, embodying gradually and strategically his/her multi-dimensional nature and fulfilling in this way all the required cycles of his/her evolution. To complete this Work takes many lifetimes.)
I believe there are 8 inter-related and inter-locked STAGES:
1. WILLING ORIENTATION towards spiritual (esoteric) life, gradual turning within, devotion; one learns to express oneself feeling goodwill, one learns humility offering true help quietly
2. ESOTERIC CLEANING through intensive work; one cultivates one's inner strength while liberating oneself from past baggage, through purification one restores one's inner transparency while looking for True destination beyond the material plane/ level of existence
3. AWAKENING OF SPIRITUAL WILL/INTENTION - growing in endurance, patience and perseverance, practising humble transcendance while faced with another's ignorance, transformational awareness in thought, word and deed
4. SUDDEN HARD TRIAL OF FAITH - being 'on the cross' and feeling painfully deprived of 'everything', experiencing the Odyssey, wailing, praying, self-discipline, alertness to the inner Light through collaboration with the outer Light from above, complete detachment from worldly matters, endless cycles of increasing esoteric knowledge and experiences of the Light
5. UNVEILING - perception of matter (material plane) loses its previous meaning, retrieving full memory of eternal Home, perfect synchronicity, divine clarity, complete understanding of one's Soul's Path, deep sense of Life beyond the veil of illusion
6. DIVINE UNION - functioning intuitively as One Force with The All That Is, pure Faith, CO-creating, following the Flow at all times fully aligned to/with True purpose
7. CELEBRATION OF SPIRITUAL ASCENSION - spontaneous manifestation of Love, Wisdom and Peace, permanent release of the Soul while still incarnated, voluntary offering for awakening mission within the earth plane, manifestation of purpose
8. CONSCIOUS ASCENSION FROM PHYSICAL BODY - natural conscious permanent return Home -to the Monad- to continue Work from above
On deciphering Universal Knowledge and Consciousness, I believe that Awareness of the Continuum of Life has got as its main symbol number 8 (looking at it both upright and sideways); which is the number of Infinity, based on the Law of Cosmic Flow. Its image relates directly to the processes of Analysis (dividing things to understand them) and Synthesis (uniting things to recover the One whole), forming the Meeting of the two right in the middle where the two bond. It takes multiple cycles of consistent effort to register fully within, that it is only the actual experience of continuously repeating the two circles (which is necessary in order to 'learn', i.e. reawaken original memory) that creates the illusion of them being two, instead of One in constant motion.

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