Thursday, November 17, 2011


Various Excerpts (2) from book "INVISIBLE FLAME OF LOVELIGHT" (2008)
As the mind of pure logic may dictate, my spiritual views about 'life, after life on Earth' are not an emotional creation based on the naturally indescribably excruciating pain, which I have allowed myself to fully experience as a human following Kostas's physical departure from Earth. They originate from the memory bank of all the inborn and 'acquired' knowledge and experience I carry as a Soul, which events have re-awakened.
As I have been advised by our Spirit Guides and been reminded of thereafter many times in this Journey, one's original memory beyond the veil of 3D illusion is the most important element-factor to the quality of one's conscious earthly life in order to exist with integrity to one's Soul-Spirit. For me in this lifetime, remembering who I AM as a Soul has meant dropping the veil of illusion through this humanly most disturbing and highly demanding scenario I have experienced.
Above all, all that which I have the privilege to be sharing is born out of Divine Love, Support, Training and Guidance, which I have received from the world of Spirit while dedicating my whole life on all levels to the Path trustingly and discovering the Steps, one-by-one, as revealed to me.
To put it all in one sentence; The Truth I Know Experientially is that beyond the veil of human ignorance and fear - which is basically a necessary state and way of being in order for one to evolve, Life IS pure Energy that has no 'beginning' or 'end' whether within timespace or without. Moreover, if I was asked to expand on this briefly I would assert that, for a Soul to appear incarnated on Earth he/she needs to accept the temporary illusion of the human body and senses. She/he needs to see them as something 'real' in order to actually experience the material plane and evolve through the Path that she/he has chosen to walk. In effect, forgetting his/her very origin temporarily is a natural reaction while attuning to the physical plane, until events and experiences begin to remind him/her of his/her very Source. Of course, more highly evolved Souls do remember who they are while incarnating for other reasons.
Quite plainly, human beings are Energy that has taken temporarily a particular form/appearance in matter. Energy cannot be destroyed - does not 'die' in any way; it only alters in form, quality and frequency. Consequently, when the physical body stops to function altogether, it only manifests the need of the Soul to transfer back Home, while marking completion of his/her current Contract. During this process, the particular human form transmutes the Energy that it already is in its Essence (i.e. the Soul) activating at the same time the new levels of frequencies that it is entering and stamping this major point of transition. This IS a subtle alchemical procedure and within it there is NO break within the Life of the Soul. Energy is an unbreakable part of the Source that vibrates all-ways feeding the whole Universe. Energy cannot be cut into pieces; it always flows and in this way it simply dances in and out of what is defined on Earth to be the physical body. continue....
Within the humanly most heart-breaking as well as most enlightening period of time (I understand the two always go together) which began for me on the last day of August 2007, I feel I have been enabled to learn how to trust my inner sense of Truth under the peak of the most demanding processes. The Challenge for me was truly enormous as I felt shaken on all levels of my Existence. Above all, I was indescribably moved by the fact that I had received -almost instantly- AND responded to the miraculous privilege of Kostas's Spirit Presence all around me, feeling blessed 'to the bone'.
People say that many things in life are rare yet that does not make them lack a valid base. Miracles happen every day and sometimes they don't take place in the obvious way that one expects them to; which was the case for me...
It was only a few hours after his Transformation, when the Soul-Spirit of whom I had known incarnated as Kostas appeared to me, making contact spontaneously. For me that was another huge shock on top of the one I had already experienced. It was way too much to take in both facts; on one hand we had both lived through every moment of his departure from his past physical body and on the other hand he had found a way to make direct contact with me, now beyond physicality!
In-deed, through the divine Gift I also received from him 7 days later (after his first re-appearance) I became utterly grateful that in the pit of my total destruction, I had been enabled to instinctively be open and receptive enough to internally recognise his contact/Presence (his familiar Energy pattern) nearby in the moment and to hear his voice (not audibly) receiving his messages (Mind to Mind through the Heart). Once more, in the long history of our common Cosmic Paths, the unique frequency of our eternal twin-soul bond had brought us together in this magical way with perfect synchronicity.
In the many weeks that followed I kept experiencing a wide variety of further signs that I was able (enabled) to trust fully, knowing that indeed my beloved best friend was still with me in this new way. Examples were, smelling his unique personal scent while he kept renewing it on two particular garments, feeling his physical touch (exchanging spiritual hugs), partial appearances with my physical eyes open (e.g. illuminated blue ball of Light shining and feeling a very high vibration, visible rainbows at night on the walls or the floor), internal visions, physical phenomena (kettle turned on, items moved, curtains drawn) etc.
What followed from then onwards was that, while on the 3D level of Existence I was literally feeling 'fried alive in the pan', experiencing deep raw emotional pain, on the 5D level of my consciousness I courageously began to write down all our communications and significant occurrences on a daily basis. Without even asking for this to be happening, it was as if all our Spirit Guides has created a Divine Zone, making sure that I remained on Earth; there was so much more to follow, which I had previously not even been aware of being possible at all...
During the countless weeks that followed - weeks filled with endless floodsheds of both sorrow and joy (awe-stirring experiences), my daily collaboration with the Spirit world truly meant moment-to-moment intensive hard work on my part; all levels. There was a Divine Purpose hidden within the new flow that began to form itself and I was automatically renouncing the familiarity of the past, whle self-transmuting, gradually withdrawing completely and leading a monastic life at what still felt to be my/our physical home (as it had been in the past 11 years).
Early days, part of my new field of work involved that I actually made a new contact; a specific blessed woman - professional shaman, whom I was guided (from above) to miraculously locate among many others and work closely with for a while. Our communications helped me substantially to ground/earth my new reality, taking in the transformational turn of my earthly life. They also confirmed in a most profound way and facilitated my new relationship with Kostas's Spirit while already in the process of agreeing the new Soul Contract between us with the help of our Spirit Guides. During that time I was 'introduced' to our Oversoul Group (12 Souls, of which we are both part as Twin Souls). I began to receive direct messages from our Group realising that I had already been in contact since 2006 without consciously knowing that it was actually our Group. Additionally I was offered links with very significant suggestions for understanding and later action.
My now purely spiritual/Energy relationship with Kostas's Presence as Spirit meant a deeply moving and liberating experience within my earthly daily life; a natural process in which I gradually learnt to experience fully the joy of us Being pure Energy. I grew to be able to travel with great ease with him, beyond the fragments of the 3rd dimensional world (i.e. the illusion of my human grief getting in the way), making true sense of Divine Cosmic Laws while experiencing fully and celebrating my multi-dimensional existence. Within that process I received the honour of wearing my Soul's name - Isis St Germaine, by St Germain and our Oversoul Group. Soon I also found the inner strength to start writing about my experiences and knowledge in the Greek language (as Guided) and self-publish. Furthermore, my close contact and work with Crystals (which I consider to be best friends) helped me enormously to embody more fully my new relationship with Kostas's Spirit and all our Guides. I started receiving particular Training from St Germain in various new ways, who helped me to become conscious of the fact that I was already in the process of my Spiritual Ascension. My collaboration with our Spirit Team, which includes DK, Red Cloud, Kuthumi, El Morya, Archangel Michael, Zadkiel, Uriel, St Kosmas, St Spiridon, Sai Baba, Ganesh, Healing Mother Mary (to name a few) became much more focused, enabling me to register fully that on the plane of multi-dimensionality there is NO separation in The One Life. The temporary illusion of separation begins in the 3D mind which is trained to believe in life (Light) and death (Darkness); the necessary duality before it all comes to merge into Oneness. As one becomes unified with his/her Higher Mind (the Mind that works as one with the Heart), one chooses to enter the portal that leads Home while also appreciating fully the richness of 3D life.
Moreover, part of my Training has involved becoming fully aware of numeric codes and their significance [...I now know that numbers ARE the Universal Language; they are divine symbols that transfer vital information since Consciousness IS created by them. The repeated appearance of particular sequences of digits not only appear to awaken but also give form to experiences, linking events and carrying important messages.] Early days the Spirit Group 11:11, which I had never before heard of in this lifetime, appeared to me. Soon St Germain brought to my attention ways of decoding numeric meanings as well as significant combinations of numbers I started working with extensively. times, my personal experiences used to often leave me quite shaken and enchanted while conceiving and appreciating the magnitude and magnificence of all the Gifts from Spirit; feeling/being Home while still incarnated. One actually KNOWS Divinity by the way its promptings raises one's Energy...
...truly blessed become the ones who humbly choose to get out of their way - the ordinary way - to accept the Gifts with gratitude, particularly when their human heart bleeds pain...
It is the Invisible Flame of LoveLight that keeps burning in one's Heart that ignites Life, inspiring all its Alchemy and dissolving all sense of ego. It is both the quality and the depth of communication in relationships (starting from the one within) that feed and prepare the ground for further achievements in the ladder towards Becoming-One-With-The-Source.

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