Thursday, November 24, 2011


Abridged version - Excerpts from Book:
"ADVANCED BIOSOPHY: The Practical Knowledge of Life on Earth Within the Planes of the 5th,6th and 7th Dimensions of Consciousness"
by Isis St Germaine, May 2010
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Based on my mystical journey, I now know experientially that time is a useful illusion, since in the various levels of consciousness there are other forms of space and time where the laws vary. For example, when one sleeps, one knows exactly how to journey spontaneously beyond the stamp of the familiar time frames.
The concept of time is always relevant to the meaning one gives to it because time flows in different rhythms, according to one's perception. So when one functions beyond the barrier of the mathematical line-arrow of linearity which defines time, i.e. past - present - future, then the door to The Eternal Now - 'the here and now' - opens. In this way, one liberates the mind from the ancient invention of the sand timer, which brings confusion in the way one learns and chooses to use it.
Beyond common thought, time cannot be defined since the present moment never ends. Everything happens simultaneously within the continuum of the moment, i.e. The Eternal Now, which by its nature is practically impossible to define as it is a point that moves constantly, with no end. Everything co-exists with no differentiation, discrimination or separation, on the basis of the Timeless Existence of the Soul within the Universal Flow. However humans are taught to approach their Existence in a way that overlooks the fact they are Light Beings flowing eternally.
Basically, time is a human creation that sets the commonly acceptable boundaries of life within the space of the earthly sphere. It is an agreement that predominates, reigning on the Earth intentionally, through which the human mind learns to operate creating dividing lines in order to conceive what it perceives as chaos. So, based on a sequence of fleeting points that the mind itself sets, in order that its owner becomes organised finding a stable base temporarily, it gives form to the incomprehensible chaos by bringing order through this false sense of this concrete arrangement.
In other words, time is an illusion of the material mind giving shape to the limitless, through particularising and creating structure and definite patterns. It is a short-term framework on which humans build their temporary stay on Earth, learning to take it for granted in order to define the indefinite; dealing with vagueness through creating linearity. In this way experiences are accommodated and events categorised and filed under the labels of 'past' - 'present' - 'future', or beginning, middle and end.
One finds the key of Timeless Existence at the entrance of the 5th Floor.
In timeless reality, which begins in the 5th Dimension, the world of matter is simply a shadow of the spiritual/heavenly realm and the physical body a tool; a reflection of one's divine Existence. Every motion is an image of time; not time itself.
In timeless reality, nothing ends so there is no past, and nothing begins so there is no future. Every point of Existence is already within the next, flowing unstoppably.
It is only at the lower plane of Creation - 3rd Dimension (matter-space) and 4th Dimension (space-time) - that the idea of separation exists.
In the 5th Dimension, time means The Eternal Now. The phenomenon of day and night is only an indication confirming the Law of Cyclic Motion, Change, as well as Nature's Synchronicity, and it is experienced as such without affecting one's natural flow in whatever one creates in the moment.
Based on my experiences, Life on the 5th Floor expresses the fact that all is interconnected intentionally while following intuitively the chain of developments moment-by-moment, reading the signs and acting trustingly on this basis in every day practical life. In other words, one surrenders willingly to the inner knowing of each moment in the unknown, feeling it instinctively and being naturally attuned to the Flow. In effect, the quality of one's experience is characterised by a unique depth and directness that signifies the transparency of the Soul. One feels secure TO BE in the moment all that one IS, while manifesting one's Energy through all the layers of one's Existence, in the benevolent and protective hands of Divine Infinity.
The Mind of the 5D consciousness thinks and expresses itself by communicating telepathically and it is in this way that one connects with 'the outside' world (while the sense of 'the outside' blends in with 'the inside' with no effort). In other words, there is a constant flow that comes from within+without; available Energy that carries intuitive and visionary information, which one fully trusts as valid, knowing that it comes from the voice of the Soul. Everything happens 'at the right time', falling into place instantly and magically as one simply cooperates with shifts and changes as part of the Flow, trusting each moment as it reveals itself.
Flexibility combined with respect and reverence for The All That Is as it IS; feelings of profound awe and Love with no conditions, permeate one's conception and perception of the world in all one's interactions, while discerning each and every situation without censure or perplexing thought of what is.
The ego-mind becomes a part of the One Mind, collaborating and forming a simple tool in the process of Co-creation. One, quite readily, feels fully responsible for one's processes and circumstances, without blame or victim hood, making sense of all things as a projection that facilitates further purification of the heart. One owns the knowing that it is not 'the outside world' that affects him/her, but oneself who wishes and chooses to experience things according to the Divine Plan s/he carries to fulfil in this lifetime. One is fully self-aware and trusts each and every step with calm patience, learning from every experience and keeping a panoramic view of life beyond the concept of 'right and wrong', knowing that everything happens for a divine reason. Consequently, one is able to benefit from every little thing, facilitating the whole.
Direct connection and collaboration with one's Spirit Guides (Home) is a 'daily' practice, moment-by-moment, quite naturally. Every test and trial is an intended challenge that helps the complete integration of one's Energy of and on the 5th Floor. One consciously knows that one is an immortal mortal wherever s/he is always, fully appreciating the richness of his/her temporary dual nature while on Earth. Feelings are simply information, flowing naturally and being expressed with great ease with no censure, and the process of decision-making is straightforward with no complications.
Consequently, on the 5th Floor, one becomes one's multidimensional nature that s/he IS from Start, tasting life on Earth while BEING TRANSPARENT fearlessly; joyously true in the divinity of the moment, which never ends...

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